Assessment Portfolio
A ‘Gap’ exists when there is a difference between what is expected and what is actually being delivered by a process, system or individual. In organisations, even optimal processes and systems often fall short due to unclear expectations of behaviours required by individuals to effectively execute their roles. The use of valid and reliable assessment technologies has become essential to organisations in effectively bridging this ‘Gap’.
LeadStrong uses a battery of leading competency type assessments, performance assessments and psychometric assessments. Some of the more prominent assessments include:
CliftonStrengths Assessment is Gallup’s online assessment to identify an individual’s five most powerful Signature themes. It is suggested that these themes drive an individual’s intrinsic “wiring” and behaviour. The Psychology is simple; if we can understand what drives us, we can manage and direct these drives to create positive, constructive outcomes that can generate strength in key areas. It is all about focusing on what is right with us rather than on what is wrong with us. The online assessment introduces an individual’s Top 5. These are the dominant “drivers” or Signature themes (out of a possible 34). These Signature themes reveal amongst other things, an essential understanding as to what drives individual excellence and how individuals communicate and connect to others.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment (Step II) is a globally used personality assessment which provides an in-depth, personalised description of your personality preferences and a detailed integrative report which offers a foundation for understanding individual differences and applying that understanding to the ways people think, communicate, and interact. The assessment is used to develop individuals, teams, and organisations to meet today’s challenges in such areas as communication, team building, leadership, and career management.
BarOn Emotional Quotient-Inventory™ (BarOn EQ-i 2.0™) While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, a growing body of research suggests that it is a key determinant of an individual’s overall wellbeing and ability to succeed in life. Assessing and evaluating an individual’s emotional intelligence can lead to dramatic increases in the person’s performance, interaction with others, and leadership potential. The development potentials the EQ-i 2.0 identifies, along with the targeted strategies it provides, make it a highly effective employee development tool.
7P’s Business Diagnostic® assesses the current state of an organisation by identifying the 7 key functional areas of a high-performance business. The diagnostic will not only help you determine the extent to which an organisation is high performing, it will also identify high priority areas requiring further analysis and action in order to maximise the value of each business function within an organisation. The diagnostic is also used as an effective management tool to identify any perceived business performance gaps as seen by different management levels within an organisation.
The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation–Behavior® (FIRO-B®) assessment helps people understand their own behaviour and that of others in both business and personal situations. It explores three basic interpersonal needs (Inclusion, Control, and Affection) along two dimensions (Expressed and Wanted). The FIRO-B assessment can be used as an integral part of team-building initiatives, management training programs, personal development plans, and communication workshops.
Organisational Climate Survey® (OCS®) provides a scientific approach to understanding the way employees experience their workplace. Having a clearer understanding of this can help the individual and the organisation establish whether the business is being managed effectively; whether the employees understand the strategy and its implementation, as well as identify what the employees’ expectations and perceptions of the organisation are. It will empower the individual and the organisation to focus on the highlighted strengths as well as to maximize the opportunities for development.
The T360° Questionnaire® (T360®) is a structured method of gathering information about performance in relation to globally accepted leadership competencies. It has been specifically designed for use in 360° feedback and broader leadership and career development programmes. The respondents to the questionnaire include the participant (the person being rated), their manager, peers, direct reports, and clients. The comprehensive information gathered from this process assists participants to identify areas of strength and development needs.